The ROB-EUREF EPOS-GNSS data node is operated by the GNSS team of the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) and it's part of the EUREF contribution to the European Plate Observing System (EPOS). The node ensures that the data from permanently operating GNSS stations (see map) belonging to the EUREF Permanent GNSS Network (EPN) as well as EPOS are discoverable from the central EPOS Data Portal and its GNSS Data Gateway. EPOS is the European e-infrastructure that provides open access to multidisciplinary scientific data to better understand the dynamic processes of the Earth System (for example, the processes active in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and other geohazards).
EPOS accesses the EPN/EPOS GNSS data through the so-called “GLASS framework” that has been developed specifically by and for EPOS. GLASS offers a web portal as well as an Application Programming Interface (API) to access the GNSS data and it is open to all users, not only EPOS.
Users interested in the EPN GNSS data are also invited to use ROB’s new Open Data Portal that has been built upon FAIR data principles.
All GNSS station descriptions, data usage conditions, etc... are discoverable from ROB’s M3G portal (and API) which is used within both EUREF and EPOS.
In addition, ROB’s EPOS-GNSS Data Quality Monitoring Portal provides for the stations of the ROB-EUREF EPOS-GNSS data node:
Are you operating an EPN station whose data are not available from the EPOS portal and you wish to make them available through the ROB-EUREF data node? Contact!
Are you operating an permanently tracking GNSS station and you want to participate to the EUREF Permanent GNSS Network? Check the “Procedure for becoming an EPN station”.